For the remaining 5 out of the 10 universal values proposed by Shalom Shwartz and reviewed in our latest posts, Romanian people score in the bottom 25% of the 25 European countries that were evaluated. 

The values we cover here are: universalism, benevolence, stimulation, hedonism and self-direction.
The low score can be interpreted as a low natural predisposition to expose and appreciate these values in our interactions. In order to get a better understanding, let’s take a look at the specific motivations behind each of these values.   

What business behaviors can showcase these values at their best?  
Let’s take a moment and think about how often we have seen some ambitious people doing exactly what they love to do, dreaming and daring to do what has never been done before. Or people who are genuinely kind and engage everyone around, for a greater than-self purpose, regardless if the others are or are not from the same “tribe”.  

I myself have seldom seen such behaviors, but I did see them. I met extraordinary individuals who made a difference by showcasing the values above. But somehow, although these special people shine because they are different from the crowd, they are also the exception that proves the rule.  

While for now the numbers are low for Romania, I remain hopeful that local business leaders will foster true values within their organizations and overcome our nation-wise psychological patterns for business but also personal growth